Zografou Campus and Patission Complex

From the 1960's NTUA is continuously expanding at the Zografou Campus, where eight of the nine Schools are located. The School of Architecture remains at Patission complex. High-specification infrastructure projects completed at NTUA include buildings of 300000 m2 with fully equipped lecture theatres, laboratories and libraries, surrounded by a pleasant natural environment of 100 hectares. To each one of our 13000 students, there correspond 28 m2 of buildings, 10 m2 of lecture theatres and 100 m2 of outdoor green space.

NTUA is pioneer in Greece and the East Mediterranean area in the cutting-edge field of telematic networks. Advanced capabilities of information society supported by a fully equipped and computerised Central Library are available to the NTUA members via intranet and data network services. To serve the rapid expansion of research needs, NTUA uses a strong Computer Centre, equipped with advanced technology computer systems and of nine special PC labs for all students in each School.
Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park

Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP), is a body of scientific research, education, business and culture. Founded in place of the old French Mining Company of Lavrion (Compagnie Francaise des Mines du Laurium) in 1992, as a result of the initiative undertaken from the National Technical University of Athens.
LTCP aims at linking scientific and technological research conducted in Athens with the needs and interests of the business world to the realization of cultural events related to the promotion of the history and culture of the wider area of Lavreotiki and the emergence of the history of activities in the past had developed in the maintenance of premises. The LTCP area is a unique monument of industrial architecture and archeology and placed him in a series of housing facilities for business and research excelence.
The services provided by LTCP as well as its renovated facilities, continue to support research, education and technology. Today, LTCP is essentially the only Technology Park in Attica, which specializes in areas - keys of modern applied technology, such as information technology, electronics technology, telecommunications, robotics, technology laser, environmental technology, energy, shipbuilding , Marine technology, etc.
Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Center

The Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Center (M.I.R.C.) of the National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.) for the Protection and Development of Mountainous Environment and Local European Cultures was founded in 1993 by decision of the National Technical University of Athens Senate, following the proposal of the then Rector Professor N. Markatos. It was set up in 1998, following the Proposal of N.T.U.A. Rector Professor Th. Xanthopoulos, by decision of the 22nd N.T.U.A. Senate on December 23, 1998.
According to the decision of the N.T.U.A. Senate, the aim of M.I.R.C. is to substantially support N.T.U.A. in the management of its real estate property in Metsovon, which consists of a building plot in Aghia Triada, the infrastructure which is associated with or results from the above property, as well as third party donations, bequests and allowances, with the objective of substantially connecting N.T.U.A. with the homeland of its Founders and promoting the effective contribution of N.T.U.A. to Metsovon Province's Integrated Development. In this direction, M.I.R.C. is closely cooperating with the local educational, research and cultural organizations of Epirus and especially with the Municipality of Metsovon, the University of Ioannina, the Embellishing Association of Metsovon, the Epirus Egnatia Foundation etc.